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Volunteer Point

Travel around the world to create the future - School exchange volunteer service

The Global Student Volunteer Association (GDA) is dedicated to providing wonderful school exchange and volunteer service programs. Our mission is to allow Taiwanese students to work with international schools to explore diverse cultures, expand their horizons, and do their part in the community. These exchange programs provide unforgettable experiences for Taiwanese and international students, allowing them to participate in volunteer activities, cultural interactions, and build lasting friendships. These experiences not only expand the horizons of volunteers and students, but also promote global understanding and the development of multiculturalism.

Taipei Kainan High School

Fuxing Township Elderly Health and Fitness Center

Baiji Elementary School

Dayuan Elementary School

Taitung Xinxianglan Tribe

Chiang Rai, Thailand

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Volunteer Point

International Volunteers in Chiang Rai

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「全球菁英領袖計劃」(Global Elite)GDA國際志工團隊泰北服務之旅的主旨是台、美青年透過國際志工服務、教育和文化交流和國際友誼結合在一起,以促進全球公民的價值觀,提高參與者的意識,並為參與者和當地社區帶來積棰的孌革和發展。


Working together to improve the community

Support local educational institutions

Opportunities to protect the natural environment

Experience Thai cultural traditions

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