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​About the founder

Chen Cing yu

2017  Created Global Tribute Program

Graduated from USC Marshall School of Business in 2023

May 2023 to study in graduate school

To contribute what has been learned
To learn what needs to be learned

Contribute what you have learned and learn together

Global Devotion Association (GDA, Taiwan), founded in 2017 by Ching Yu Chen, who graduated from USC in 2023, has been dedicated to cultural conservation and hopes to provide volunteer opportunities for Taiwanese students to exercise meaningful actions–giving back to society through exchanging cultural experiences and helping minority groups.

Motivation & Mission

Encourage young volunteers to experience and participate different cultural and lifestyle to understand the history and differences within Taiwan, hoping to develop students' interests and appreciation in the diversity and uniqueness of Taiwan. Foster long-term relationships across Taiwan by connecting students to volunteer with different cultural and social communities, allowing students to learn while giving back to the communities. Introduce and promote Taiwan's diverse aboriginal groups to the world, hoping to conserve these precious cultures through volunteer services and cultural exchange activities held by young volunteers.

You can also do this

Introduce corners of the world by shooting short videos, upload them to online platforms, create APPs, enrich learning resources, and provide schools with international resources!

I sincerely invite all elders, teachers, friends and classmates who know Teacher Chen Zhengzhe, Teacher Lin Jin and Chen Qingyu to participate in and support this "Global Tribute (Together) Learning Program". With your support and guidance, our activities will become more vivid and colorful, and we look forward to your participation.

If you have any questions
Welcome to email Ask us questions and give us advice!

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